| 1. | He has very regular features 他五官端正。 |
| 2. | Boris was a tall , fair - haired lad with delicate , regular features , and a look of composure on his handsome face 鲍里斯是个身材魁梧头发浅黄的青年,他那宁静而俊美的面孔上,五官生得端正,眉清目秀。 |
| 3. | A regular feature is my page 2 column , where i share rants , observations , tips , and musings about sales 这个报告的一个固定专栏是我在第二页的一个专栏,那里我会分享一些我的对销售行业的演讲,观察,提示以及思考。 |
| 4. | Zink is an international fashion magazine with regular features on modern art , beauty supplies , health , and the latest clothing designs and trends 流行时尚杂志的代表,让您轻松塑造出自己亮丽的外型,感觉到时尚在我身 |
| 5. | These shows are regular features of the high season , or they can be arranged , along with riverboats for an evening s entertainment afloat 漓江景色之奇还在山光水色之变化,在清晨,在中午,在黄昏,各有其姿,变化万千。 |
| 6. | These shows are regular features of the high season , or they can be arranged , along with riverboats for an evening s entertainment afloat 漓江景色之奇还在山光水色之变化,在清晨,在中午,在黄昏,各有其姿,变化万千。 |
| 7. | As hip - hop grew in popularity , the dj with his two turntables , and the mc armed with a microphone , became regular features at urban parties 随着嘻哈越来越受到欢迎,转动唱盘的dj和手持麦克风的mc成了都市派对上的固定角色。 |
| 8. | Australia faces extreme fire danger this summer due to a severe drought . bushfires are a regular feature of the summer have killed more than 250 people over the past 40 years 由于今夏的干旱,澳大利亚面临火灾的频繁发生,消防队员繁忙到没有片刻的休息。 |
| 9. | An attraction for those visitors who enjoy a colourful , if rather noisy spectacle is the military tattoo which has become a regular feature of theedinburgh festival 对喜欢看丰富多彩而又喧闹的场面的游客来说,军操表演很有吸引力,它已成为爱丁堡艺术节的常备节目。 |
| 10. | This blitz approach induced a high rate of compliance with removal orders and will now become a regular feature of the buildings department s enforcement strategy 由于这次特别清拆行动令到遵从清拆令的比率显著增加,因此这类行动现已成为屋宇署执行策略的一个常规项目。 |